It's Friday night
Friday, February 10, 2012, ϟ 0 shout(s)

Am I've sacrificed it to stay at home and finish a tutorial due next week.

No choice, party tmr night, valentine's night next tues, 2 presentations next week, AIS project meeting, 5 tutorials to complete and marketing case and project researches to do.

Coupled with O week programs and our dear bizcom partners being not really responsive to me. :/ I still have to settle seppy and my desktop!

I really, really see myself dying after recess week. 80% of the course outline falls after recess week. And there're still the finals. Valval, did you think you could handle 5 core mods which are all project/tutorial/presentation intensive? :(

Please please please please let me make it for this sem. I've really been trying my hardest. Save for sleeping and my 7pm show, I'm working every sec I am in my home.

This is madness. To all the teachers who told us that A levels is the peak, sorry. During my JC days I was still playing pool and eating ice-cream after school. Don't see myself doing that now.
GRAH. Should just suck it and take it like a woman. I can do this.

new past