Thursday, November 05, 2009, ϟ 0 shout(s)

You were... / Ballad

Blog's dead. Tagboard's dead. Soft yellow looks like mustard.

[Revealed] is wonderful. It grips you, forces you to comtemplate deeply then tricks you mercilessly with the totally unexpected twists in events. Every single sentence is coloured with intense descriptions. And, its utterly hilarious. XD

Loads of PW everyday. Well, all will be over by Wednesday. I won't say that I'll miss it, but it's been a whole year of energy, brainwork, travelling, discussing, anger, disappointment, focus, thinking and time. And it's gonna be over with a short 30min presentation. It's hard to let it go at that. Suffered much, learnt more. So I'll keep a positive frame of mind. My sole goal is to influence YP with that mindset too. ^^

Picked up a beautiful phrase from BK this afternoon.

"Because on the menu of life, you're Today's Special."

And on the very last assembly of Year One of CJC, the story told was meaningful.

"The seven wonders of the world is to touch, to see, to hear, to taste... to laugh, to learn and to love."

Isn't really accurate but it's the most my little brain can pick up.
Ahh, you smart people gets the gist. XD

PW presentation dry runs left my palms clammy, heart skipping and fingers trembling.
You thought that you wouldn't be when you're waiting for your turn. But when you get up there, all the above-mentioned symptoms just get to you. Without you realising it. Sometimes, I wonder how Ayu performs for hours infront of thousands of fans. XD



It's meaningless
To worry about the ending before it starts
-Ayumi (B&D)

new past