Friday, August 22, 2008, ϟ 0 shout(s)

I want this. Would any loaded kind soul get me this? =D

Pretty Ayu!

Well, I've been a little busy these few days, so I can't really get away and go webbing.

And its not like a little busy, its overworked kind of busy.

When I first heard that China students study all day, from 6 am to 7 pm, I was thinking "Woah robot".

And then I realised I'm "Woah Robot" too.


Let me relish the moments again.

1 typical day in the life of Val.

When you barely get enough snooze, the intimidating alarm sets off that never ceases to make you jump from my sleep. (I swear that my heart skips 2 beats every time that bloody alarm goes off.)

6am - You stumble into the hall, and continue your greatly cherished sleep.

After what seems like one minute, you peek at the hall clock.


Oh sh*t!

You pop up, tiehairbrushteethchangeclothes, manage only to gulp down 1 cup of Oat, snatched up your breakfast of buns and head for the door.

You get into dad's car with your brother, and tries to manipulate the travelling time for your valuable sleep. To no avail, of course.

Stumbles out of car and into the parade square of dear old school. Eyes closed.

Finally, with the ceaseless chatter around you, you start to pick up the daily newspapers to read.

OH SHUCKS! There's like Chem test today and you haven study!

So you put away your newspaper and studies chem in the pathetic 30 mins.

~After morning assembly~

Up to class for sleepy lessons. As the teacher drones for 1 hour, at least they can walk around and exercises, you think. You can only sit there, shut your mouth, listen. For 2 hours.

Teacher announces for class to stay for night study for _____ subject.

Then break.

Heehee. You start to rush homework (sometimes).

After what seems like 1 minute, bell sounds for continuation for lessons.

Bla bla bla. Your head rigid for another 3 hours.

Then lunch.

That pathetic 30 mins again.

After lunch... HOME?

Fat hope.

You continue lessons for 1.5 hours.

At 4pm, you study till 6pm.

At 6 pm, you go out to eat again.

At 7 pm, you come back to school for another hightech torture affectionately known as self-study. Or night study if you wish.

For 2 solid hours.

At 9pm, you finally get to go hooommmeee.

Reaching home, you cannot take it anymore and shuts down.

After what seems like 1 minute again, that irritating alarm sounds, and welcome to Day 2!

OH SHUCKS! Another test! Homework not done too! WAILLLLS!

You may relieve the whole routine again and again to have a taste of my life.

Sorry. I admit I might be exaggerating just a teeny bit for this. But this is seemingly equivalent to my life.

Does that leaves time for lappying? Yeah sure. =)

Anyway, I'd like to do a compo here. It'll also reflect what happens today.

Bad Luck.

Thinking that it will be a pleasant day, I looked forward to a fun-filled day early this morning. Today is definitely a short day, shorter than that of any of the other days of the week. And after school, guess where am I going to de-stress? Present shopping for my beloved friends!

Lessons went well, and the horrible sequence of events started falling into my life right after school on this very Friday.

When it isn't Friday the 13th.

Lugging our tormenting bags, we went to a Night Market . Raine decided on playing a game. That kind of silly game where you throw 4 darts into numbered squares of 0,1,2 & 3. As the numbers total up, you get prizes.

Let me share with you the interesting results we got.



And then we decided on another game. This wheel of fortune nonsense. Well, it was a money cheater, no doubt.

The saddening thing, was that I lost this hair ribbon that was of a high value to me. It dropped out of my shallow pocket, Raine saw it, but she didn't know that it was mine.

And I didn't find that out till much later.

I felt like crying.

Anyhoots, we went IMM for present a-shopping. For a good 3 hours.

Followed up my a late midday lunch.

Then it happened.

I was crossing (jay-walking) across this small road, where I suddenly spotted an oncoming vehicle. I ran of course.

In a flash, I tripped, stumbled and fell, in the middle of the road.

This first thing I thought was, " OMG. Is there any car going to run over me? Dear god no! I don't wanna die now!"

Of course my dear friends came to my rescue. Aileen dragged me up, Jaime checked for oncoming cars, Raine began laughing.

Why the hell she laughed. I am as clueless as you.

And then blood started oozing from my grazes (it's still oozing now) and I started to feel it.

PAIN PAIN PAIN! Every single cut on me was screaming.

And then I burst into tears. Not of pain, but of shock. I just kept thinking what if the car didn't notice that I fell, and...

Yeah, and the blood continues oozing as the pain intensifies.

Thankfully, I managed to limp my way home, with my long school skirt scraping against my fresh, tender wounds with every light step I take.

That's why we schoolgirls should be allowed to have short skirts. (JKJK!)

My Kibbs was licking my wounds just now, and they're much better now. Yes, dog's saliva has medicinal value.

This is truly a horrible and detestful day. Right now, with my hurting and oozing wounds, all I want is to sleep this through, and wake to a better tomorrow.

Bye dears. I hope that my prelims will be smooth, as like yours would. =)


Both the sadness in happiness,
and the hope at the end of pain

- Ayumi (Daybreak)
new past