Wednesday, September 03, 2008, ϟ 0 shout(s)

GEE! I'm back to bloggingggggg~


Did anyone say before that sometimes, time passes all too quickly for you to catch a breath, while at other times, it crawlssss slowly by?

Well, the pass exam week, days definitely moved slow-mo.

But after Thursday afternoon, time zooms.


Great. I'm being childish.

Let's get on with life.


Well, it was Chem & Geog paper I think.

After I was released at 12.30 (?), I think I went shoooping with mama dearest!

At good old Lot 1 I presume. Seriously I can't remember. XD

Oh yes! And I borrowed four good books! (*^_^*)

To date, I have one more to go. =)

Bookie worm, bookie worm. =X


Was Teacher's Day celebration!

Thank you lots, my dearest teachers!

After that, I went home for snooze. Boboland.

Woke up at 7pm, had a horrible headache.

Then we went to Yew Tee for dinner.

Blah blah blah...


Yippie! Finally went shopping after ages of cocooned studying!

I said that I'll go partay, didn't I? XD

We went Bugis and I bought a cutiehoneey one-piece.

And dear me, the heavens were pratically pouring.

My smarty brother brought an umbrella, but the thing is, he went with daddy for a snack.

And my dad's phone surprisingly "auto-off".

Yeah, we can't reach out to them, thus we roamed the streets of Bugis in-the-rain.

The good thing is, I LOVE RAINNN!

When the first drops of water fall onto land, you inhale the sweet scent of fresh earth. Or dust. I'm not sure.

Take a deep breath.


Life's good. XD

Ok, back to topic.

Somehow, we found them.

Ate dinner, went home, sleep.


I can't believe I went to the ice-skating ring thrice!

Wait, let me elaborate.

Firstly, we wanted to go on Sunday.

In the morn, my whole family went out for breakfast at Ghimoh.

Its like the last un-renovated hawker centre left in SG...

Where the floors are dirty and the food is damn good.

After that, daddy send three of us to JEC.

Its like 2.30?

And reaching there, the person said that the rink will close at 3.30.

Like anyone with brains will pay for the all day fare and go in for one hour.

Hence, we quickly called daddy and he returned to fetch us.

So what did we do?

Sent dear Kibbs for grooming.

It was ok, much better then the previous few times.



He became much, much neater.

Give him 2 more weeks, and he'll become more cuddly. XD

His grooming ended at 7pm, so we rushed to the vet for his yearly vaccination.

Alas, the vet closes at 7pm SHARP.

So I have to bring him in on this coming Sunday, I guess.

Yay! No history exams for me on Monday!!



I went with my Sis and Bro ice-skating on Monday then.

It closes at 5.30pm.

Anyhoots, we had great funn!

I think we skated for a good 3 hours, till 5.15pm, then we're off.

Dinner with mama, then hoome~


I went ice-skating again.

Sh-t. I'm such an ice freak.

Well, in the morn, I had Biology lessons in school.

Off to Macs for breakfast with Mum, Sis and Bro.

Then home to sleep.

I was yelling my bro to "get some damned sleep" because he was tired from the previous day of skating, as I was.

Then I went ice-skating with my brother and my classmates.

A bunch of them, around 10+?

Including Michelle, Jocelyn and Britannia.

I was beat, ok.

But I was nice too. =D

So I went skating.

Reaching there, I wasn't so tired anymore, so we skated.

It was really funn!

Well, my brother had fun throwing ice at my friends.

We had fun playing catch on ice.

I had fun just simply skating.

We skated from like 2pm till 8pm.

And then at night, there was this skater stranger guy, who just came up to me and Jocelyn and taught us how to do cross-over.

He was pretty irriatating.

All he can do was suan me.

Lousy, no hope, bla bla bla.

Well, all he did was show off his stylistic moves and how am I supposed to learn from all that fast zingo whirl? XD

He said that my brother and Jocelyn can do it better than me.

So I told him that he was a lousy teacher.


Jeeze, what an ass.

Finally, I learnt from Brit.

And I still cannot do it.

Fine, I admit I'm lousy at skating.


But I only plan to skate there and not learn some new and difficult moves and turns. =D

After skating, we went Long John's for dinner.

And home sweetie home!


Which is like, today?

Woke up pretty late.

I was aching all over, even my eyeballs!

Bathed, and had a wonderful breakfast/lunch from my mama!

Oooo! Yummy yum yum!

My Mum made it, and I requested for it for lunch next Monday. XD

Then went Limbang Mc to study with my Sis and Bro.

My brother was like saying that he can do my Bio.

In the end, he got like 1 question correct? The Cells question. XD

"Which of the following in a plant cell traps sunlight..."



And then there's like Physics extra lessons tomorrow morning.


Ok, got to catch some sleep. BYE DEARS!


Aoi Sora~ Blue sky~

Teacher's Day's cards!
It wasn't the end product.
We still stuck portraits of teachers on the icecream sticks...

Look at the mist!
Can you see it?
Its right in front...
I absoulutely adore such weather like crazy...
When the temperature drops and the wind comes in high and fast!


Remember, just one more time
how we were born, crying, into this world.
Your dreams and hopes for tomorrow
all in this world.

- Ayumi & Keiko ( A Song Is Born)

Composed and performed in commemoration of 9/11 disaster.

new past