So oddly detached from life,
Monday, July 26, 2010, ϟ 0 shout(s)
I did a post on that before. Like last year. Hahaha.
I just feel like blogging. Now.
And this had better be one I'll post up. XD
Anyway I guess everyone's like me.
You're running on the tracks. Train tracks.
And a Tokyo-bound maglev train is at your heels.
What do you do?
Give up and die?
Maybe you can make it to the train station.
In one piece.
Effortlessly. :)
Well, my life was a drive along the countryside.
Now it just became a rollercoaster ride.
Not much a diff, eh? XD
A rollercoaster ride may have its ups and downs...
but I think I'm enjoying it. :)
new past