yeah we're dancing on table tops
Monday, December 12, 2011, ϟ 0 shout(s)

I'm back with lotsa loot to boot.

Almost lost the entire bag of it, though. XD

Saying KL is warmer than SG is an understatement. It's practically roasting in there.
I'd attribute it to the lack of shrubbery but then again it's prolly cause it's a tad bit nearer to the equator?

Even Genting isn't that cold anymore and fog no longer clouds our visions at night.

They've closed down all of my fave-four rides: Cyclone, Tobbogan, F.Dragon & Mine train. Boo.

And for the first time in my entire history of Genting visits, it rained.

Visited the same few places in KL again but this time, we're better acquainted with their rail systems.

Spent more time sleeping than shopping in this trip, so not as many buyings as I thought I'd have.

Gonna have to catch a breather today then immerse myself in more outings. Gin's house for xmas exchange tonight! :D

Something I've learnt: I'm very much grateful for the funny, closely-knit family of mine.

Oh and congrats to boyfriend J for screwing the prov. driving license with only 2 points!
Yes, no more squeezy MRT & giddy bus-rides after our dates! :D


new past