Sunday, January 03, 2010, ϟ 0 shout(s)

To begin the year in fashion - have a memory stroll.
PS: I was laughing so bad at some of pictures. XD

Chapter 1 - The Child

When I was what, 5?

When I was a PrimaryThree kid. Find mee!

Chapter 2 - The KranjiSecExperience

When I was a SecTwo kid. Again, find meee!

When I was Sec2, in YE.
This is horrid man.
Raine and I always cringe when this pic is used in school vids and yearbook!

Ok. You're permitted to laugh, actually.

When I was a Sec3 prefect, and hating it.
Omg look at the neeeeeat hair.

Still in Sec3, a steamboat outing. XD

With my two cuteee buddies - Jo & Mich. <3

Sec3 - Prefect's Chalet.
Omg hahahaha! I wonder why I didn't give much thought to the fringe. >.<

My 15th birthday. Dear Kibbs!

Chapter 3 - The Secondary Four Year

Road run 2008.

My fringe is awesome, I swear. Freaking retarded!! Hahahahahah!

National Day Eve's outing! <3

KSS Prom Night, 2008.
Oh how recent it seemed. XD

When prom was a REALLY BIG THING. XD

Prefect's BBQ 2008
Can you spot my brown hair? XD

NEWYEAR'S EVE @ MARINABAY (Look at prev. post)

Spot: Brown hair, brown eyes, happy Val.

Chapter 4: YEAR 2009

My Sentosa outing with these dear girls!

Awww. The carefree times when we overplayed. =)

HotPink fingernails!
Things I can't do nowwww.

4E chalet.
A few days after the release of the Olvl results.

CNY 4E visiting day.
Also the release of posted school and stream.

More brown hair brown eye days before school reopens.

Catching up with Mich & Jo!


Chapter 5: Catholic JC

The first studying day where I met some of the cutest people.

Like them.

And them.

When it's our first outing and we aren't even that close yet. XD

When PW meetings = wasted Saturdays.

When we became closer; and crazier.

When we finally washed our hands off PW. =D

When we loved Batam so much.

When I spent X'mas with Mich & Jo!

When we had another Sentosa outing!
When these girls went crazy and drank NaughtyG.
When I spent countdown 2009-2010 with this hot lady here.
[Hey T17 people! Guess who she is! YEPP! IT'S OUR VERY OWN HOT JANEONG!!]

Sexy ladyyyy who've been highing with me on MSN this past holiday!

Up till yesterday, I'm still Valerie. The kid in the first picture.=)

new past