Wednesday, March 11, 2009, ϟ 0 shout(s)


I've just spent 3 hours of my life on this GP essay which causes my head to crack and split into three halves.

There's like this Econs CA tmr when we can't even differentiate Demand from Supply yet.

How the hell do you write and essay on something you don't know at all?

Let's see if I'd even write anything down tmr.


Chem, Maths and Chinese CAs are over.

Not having GP and Phy CAs till Term2.

And there's like the last MASS PE ever this coming Friday! Yipee~

BTW, girls did Aerobics and Taichi for our past two MASS PE after running. I feel so blessed. =D

Ok, loads of holiday homework. And I got my PW grp. Got to do this MATHS project with them.

When did Maths ever have projects?

Ok, I shan't look at words any longer. My head is oh-so-spinning.

new past