Sunday, July 05, 2009, ϟ 0 shout(s)

Ayu trance AGAIN. Watch this. If its not worth your time I wouldn't put it up. :))

Its a wonder how she performs with such gusto even with her fractured right hand.

Strength definitely. XD

Wonderful day out today. Bought lots and lots of stuff!! Diamond studded hp straps in hot red & black! Ooh the burberry patterned one must go. =(

It's been a long time since I've been angry. I've been scared, happy, jubilant, worried, stressed but not angry. But now I sure am. Sometimes, you can say anything, but certain stuff makes me flip instantly. Its like the wrong phrase that comes out of your mouth and you're suddenly the certain enemy. Well, Scopios bear grudges, for life. I still remember vividly when that stupid relief teacher from Primary one punished me just to show the class she's capable of scaring kids. At that bloody teacher that belittle students that are lousy in Chinese. Things like "___________" isn't exactly the correct thing to say to me. Just because you don't know how much that means shows that you should keep some words unsaid and shit it out in your poop or something. Oh, perhaps it should be incinerated along with you. I don't hate people. I never do, because its not worth it. Ok, maybe I don't hate you. I'm just sad. Disappointed. But I'm a Scopio. One with a good memory.

Yes I know I love to rant.

new past