Wednesday, September 09, 2009, ϟ 0 shout(s)

Howdyy. It's now when I realised that my bloggie is lacking its source of life.


Hahahha. Too much words isn't gonna colour anyone's life, isn't it?


Blogger's Picasa server is being horrid so I'll just use Photobucket. Takes me loads of energyyy. XD

Sent dear Kibbs for grooming today.

Poor him. He'd freaking walked all the way to the groomer's and back.

Poor me, too.

I'd walked there and back to send him. Then walked there and back to fetch him. -_-

Ok, let me narrate my life.

But you've to promise me you've read the dog story belowww~ XD


I totally slacked the whole day. I did nothing but laze on the sofa. Serious.
Very much a loser, yes. XD


So I've decided to get my ass out of the house. Off to Limbang Mac's to mugg.
I won't call that productive but studying is what you do if your only companion are the books.
Came home to slack.


Failed to wake up at 6.30am to jog.

At 6am,

Mom to Dad: Valerie says she's waking up at 6.30 to jog.

Dad: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!! Trust me, she won't.

Mom to sleeping me: Are you gonna wake up to jog? No right no right??

Me: Hmmm.

Yup, so she'd decided to wake me only at 10am. Grrrrr. XD

I'm really gonna jog on Friday. I promise! XD

So I was lazing infront of the teevee watching "The Most Extreme" on AnimalPlanet.

Omg its like the Top Ten food preparation methods by animals.

I swore my face screwed up in disgust. Like major YUCK! XD

Went to mug the Physics.

Oh, I really love studying. Just studying. I hate doing difficult questions and scaring myself silly. I just want to study the notes because that's simple. I want to do simple things. I really do.

But life's not like that, sadly. =(

Brough little Kibbs to the groomer's. He looks like white cotton candy now. XD

I love music. It makes me happy. I study when I'm happy. After studying, I'm happier. So I study more. And I get happier still while studying. So I become really happy. And I study because I am that happy. But tmr's class outing is gonna break that streak.

Ohmygod. Shutup. I sound like a mugger. Tmr's outing better be worth the time, money and opportunity cost. XD
I guess Jong understands me now, right GardJ? XD

Ok, enough. The Fray's [You Found Me] is gooood.

And PeterChow got me. He's cute and hilarious! OMG HAHAHAH.


- Interact Leadership Training Camp at DiaryFarm.
- Group: SO HOT.

- I had fun. THANK YOU! XD

- My dearest OneTeeSeventeen~
- Best of luck for promos people! You rock!!

- Me, Sharnel, HuiyiLee, Kiddy


- Jasmine (VJC), Bella, Elaine (NJC), Meee
- Deya (GIIS), AmandaChin (RJC), MingEe (VJC)


- This, is my dinner for today and yesterday.
- I'd freaking cooked it!!!! =DD
- Who wants pasta you can come over now. My pasta is edible~ XD

Alright. I'm tired. Byee~

Lost and insecure, you found me
- The Fray (YouFoundMe)
new past