Sunday, September 25, 2011, ϟ 0 shout(s)

Hi world, I'm drowning.

I'm drowning in assignments.
I'm drowning in project work (my goodness how many of them can they have here; I thought PW was bad)
I'm drowning in outings and social life and family life and
I'm drowning in exams.


And during my only, last attempt at results-salvaging Recess week, I'm playing.

I think Joel is being awesome. (HEY are you reading this)
Joel is putting up with my last few days of Recess Week panic attack when I realized I've just given my God-bestowed-time-to-save-my-ass for midterms away, where I provide short, sparse SMSes and no dates at all during my weekend. Though I spent the entire Sat out of SG instead of doing good mugging. :(
And my short, tired calls at night whose air time supply have plummeted pitifully by about 83.33%. In short, our call time dropped from an average of 120 minutes to the insignificant sorry 20 minutes.
Where else can I find such a guy?
One who sends me home every single night and treats it like a delight instead of an offer.
One who sponsers everysingleshitthatIwannabuy.
One who can make MVPqingren drama watching girls swoon (though I never personally watched it)
One who smiles like a smurf when I'm smiling like a smurf
One who lets me have my way as much as possible (but still don't let me go overboard :S)
One who's always there for me and holds my heart in his coarse, weathered-by-basketball-bouncing palm.

Else the vice of the virtually informative, or informatively virtual galaxy grip me in its absolutely deathly claws and drag me into the hells of time-wastage, I'd better wrap this up.

So... yeah.


new past