Thursday, December 24, 2009, ϟ 0 shout(s)

All you need is a little bit of luck, but lots and lots of guts. XD

It's an hour to christmas, so here's me wishing a classic MerryX'mas to all of you.

Ohmy. I love how those words look on my bloggie. XD
I'll be waiting for the next Christmas by 26Dec. XD

Idk what it is. But Christmas is always full of life, superpretty decos along supercrowded Orchard, lots of merry christmas carols, best wishes and fun.
Partly because it's during the yearend holidays and everyone's kinda sick of it by this time and is looking forward to the new year.

Last year's Christmas was a stayover.
This year, everyone's a changed man.
Still, a stayover.

(I just realised the stayover party should be tonight, not tomorrow spillover to Saturday. -_-)

But for once in my life,

I finished my holiday HW before christmas! Hahahahah!
Woah. That's a hell of an achievement. XD
Because I never really did finish any holiday homework before.
Afterall, they wouldn't be collected or gone through, despite all the threatenings of the teachers.

Now struggling with two projects (yep. I also thought that I am done with them for life since OP.) and InteractClub stuffs. >.<

It's Xmas eve and I spent my day in Chinatown.

And yes. I'd prolly spent my CNYeve in Orchard.

Hmmm. Curry fishballs are yummmmmmy!


Carols - Ayumi Hamasaki

BoA - Meri Kuri

But I don't lose sight of the light among them

-Ayumi (Jewel)
new past