Thursday, January 21, 2010, ϟ 0 shout(s)

It's just two weeks into the school year but eyebags and panda rings are catching up on me.

HAD been really grouchy in school this few days.
Sorry people. Esp. Janey & MelHo. Luvya, TeeSeventeen girls! =)
It's the smiley I have to keep up.

Ignorance is a blessing. Time to go back. I'm not greedy so ten years will suffice. XD

I wonder what will happen on the day when I finally got tired of blogging. Hmmm.

Now is bad because life revolves around studying.
But now is good because life revolves only around studying.

Next week will be a better week. Because I say so. ^^

Blasted two J-pop albums from the living hall's stereos last night.
It was horribly, terribly wonderful and solved just about everything.

I loooove it. (*^_^*)

Tell you something. I have so many dued photos waiting to be upped but yours truly here is either just too lazy or busy.

Busy sounds nicer. ^^

Bye kids!

new past