Friday, May 15, 2009, ϟ 0 shout(s)

It's only been awhile, and the weekends are here to visit again.

Funny how it seems that time is passing so freakily fast this year.

I still remember the first days of year 2009.

I was with JOCELYN SOON admiring the last sun rays of 2008 on the foodcourt, 2nd level of Marina Square.

And then we went to stay over at someone's house, I guess. And partied all night.

At that time, I was still uncertain of my future; my O's results and my school.

So much things have happened, and it still feels like the start of 2009.

June holidays are arriving.

Soon it will be the promos.

And Year 1 in CJC will end.

I will be seventeen.

I'm growing so attached to CJC, I don't ever wanna leave it.

No CCA just now due to H1N1 hooha.

Went mugging with Janeey at Woodlands library.

Had FISH bowl for lunch.

Promised Janeey to write a story on her, titled "The Scorpios and the Fish".

Proud to annouce that I've completed like 90% of my homework ON A FRIDAY.

This happens once every eleven years (P1 to now), so its an joyous occasion. XD

Now Janeey's addicted to FISH bowl.

Alright, lappy's dying.

Perhaps slacking tmr. Can't go msia due to the first case of SWINE FLU in msia today.

Oh crap. Hopes H1N1 don't ever come to SG.

But SG is a hot country. Viruses thrive in hot countries. =(

Sunday full day KhaoLak trip briefing. Then off to rush GPP with PW grpmates.

Going idk where now for dinner.

Bye dearies!
new past