Life's a melody
Tuesday, April 06, 2010, ϟ 0 shout(s)

There's this one little guy...

... who has never before failed to make my day...

... and is ever so loyal and honest.

He's a buddy who'll always be there.
And there's no room for negotiating otherwise.

Here's to you, Kibbs.
Stay healthy and try to hate strangers less!
Love ya! :)

Ohya. Removed quite a number of presumably dead links.

And I might just change this blog's URL - sooner, later or never.

Saturday was helluva day!
Went to EXPO for the IT fair & JohnLittle.
The queues were so long that we gave up buying anything!

Then to ECP for tea.
Binged on satay, stingrays and whatnots. XD
Studied a few kids who were freshly acquainted but were playing with each other like they were long time pals.
Life is so great for people so young!

Off to Peace Centre for some stuffs.
Weee, ate at food centre again!
Hahaha, and played Photohunt with sibs!

Last stop, Bugis for some shopping.
Regrettably, I didn't manage to get that few pairs of earstuds. :(
Grrrrr. I'm so going back there again, and DebHo is coming with me!

Sunday was just full of mugging.
And dinner at YTP at night. :)

And then the school week which will always leave me drained.

Randoms (one for D, and one for D):


It was once for the cherry colours, now for the int cam.
Mine's always the best, it seems?

new past