Monday, July 07, 2008, ϟ 0 shout(s)


Ok whatever.

It's surely surprising that I even have time to touch the keyboard.(!!!) XD

Hohoho... Now I feel it. When stress piles up and you wish and wish and wish that there are 25 hours a day but that wish never came true.

They say to wish upon a shooting star and your wish will come true. Well, tell them that there aren't any d____ shooting stars in Singapore, where everyone's end year's exams are coming soon.

Same boat? I bet.

Weell, today I studied like a great deal after panicking looking at the calendar.

And if I counted, I have only 4 days for every subject from now till prelims. And each day means only 1 hours because my sch ends at 4pm daily and there are lots of homework.

And its funny. When you're in the studying mode, you can't stop. When you finally stop, you're exhausted. And don't ever wanna pick up a book again.

And sch doesn't even end early nearing the exams.

So we have to go to school right till the day of O Lvl's exams? Meaning that we will have no time at all for self revision, since school ends late everyday, and we don't revise in school, we merely pick up knowledge that won't stay in the head for long unless we revise.

Right. Wonderful planning.

Ok, sorry for droning.


Although that will never happen here.


Went out the whole day with granny to Chinatown! Shop, shop shop and home. Anyway, my brother went for this year's NDP preview, and the goody bag isn't much fun at all. My guess is that they're trying to encourage the use of recycle bags. And they combined the noise maker with the light maker. -_-


Went to the Yew Tee resident's day thinggi. It's so damn hot without shelters.

Then went to Iceskating. Its so damn cold. XD

At night went IMM for a little while, and home.

Sorry to say this, but there are seriously a few j*rks at the iceskating ring on Sunday. Perhaps they cant get their thoughts straightened out. Haha...


Was spent studying and bringing Kibbs to the park.

Oh, he has to go for his yearly vaccination soon, poor him. One of these days I'm gonna leave him in the doggie daycare near my home. It seems so fun! With playgrounds and swimming pools and many puppies~

Ok, gotta run! Bye~


AYUPAN! These purse I'm reluctant to use. Its like so damn rare... Perhaps I'll keep it for a few more years and then sell it on Ebay for a couple thousand of dollars to some crazy Ayu fan somewhere in the world and it will fetch a high price because... ok val, stop it.

new past