Wednesday, June 24, 2009, ϟ 0 shout(s)

From news,

Washington's metro subway train crashed. Investigations going on.

Now I feel like telling PL how probable my PI on the derailing of MRTs in Singapore is.

Probability? Well, America's subway train crashed. Anything else can happen.

OMG, I can't believe I got ONE question on Functions correct!
10 marks!! Hmm. But 10/100 isn't gonna be good for math results. XD

Still harping over my sunburnt back from last week. Lemons can lighten skin tone, or so as I've research.

Made breakfast for myself yesterday. Three eggs plus button mushrooms cooked into an omelette. I still remember how a certain English compre passage from last year about cheese omelettes launched me into an omelette frenzy. Cheese, mushroom, ham, bacon omelettes cooked by me. Hahaha! Then I went on to roti pratas. -_-

Learn to forget the tough times, but never forget what they taught you. - Bookmark

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