Monday, June 29, 2009, ϟ 0 shout(s)

Last night, at two am, the hall was pitch black. It was so silent, a whisper could be deafening.
The only light source emits from a light bar under the closed door of my room.
What was I doing??
Yep. Looking at hydrogen bonding.
If tomorrow's dedicated to Physics, I worry for Chem & Maths.
I don't study at appropriate times.
Today was wasted, again. When JaneOng was studying math, I was watching the Tom&Jerryshow.
And two other movies at that.
But when I brought Kibbs down, I sat at the playground for a good 90mins looking at Gas laws. XD
MYEs are a goner. If only I had this fear in me like two weeks before. =(

Was reading CJC's student handbook. Lots and lots of beautiful quotes!

A romance with knowledge will never end in a heartbreak.

Boooks it shall be. Bye kids!
new past