Friday, September 11, 2009, ϟ 0 shout(s)

[EDIT - no you don't wanna read this.]
Nope its not a new post, just an edit.
I hate how the red chunk of crap ruins this page, so off it goes.
Man I'm fuming right now. Damnit I've been fuming mad since last night.
And if the internet's gonna die on me one last time, that's it.
And the freaking other com doesn't have MSOffice and I can't do work there.
Like who in the right mind is that retarded?
And I've wasted two days of my life enjoying, enjoying.
Stupid idiot me should know that enjoying is not one of my option now.
And stop stopping me from studying! Why do people even do that?
At 12mn when I study, you say to go to sleep. Who tells someone to sleep instead of studying?!
And whoever taught me of equality and justice, screw you.
I should know it never existed and is just a illusion to trick little kids that life is good.
Life is far from good, little kid.
I need retail therapy. Shit I should have bought the freaking bag ytd.
I hate it how school's starting tmr. Its always the start of school thing that makes me feel empty because I've done nothing during the break. I'm hating that!
And I hate to carry that freaking heavy bag and take that freaking 1hr bus ride home every freaking day.
And I hate it that I'm wasting time here typing in a freaking box.
Sometimes I hate everything.
I know its just now that I hate everything and I'll prolly feel better afterwards and delete this post but who gives a shit.
Seventeen is weird.
I wanna go back and enjoy life then.
I wanna go forth to enjoy life later.
But I am stuck here. Do I enjoy getting stuck here?
This illusion is getting nowhere.
And why is the fricking weather so bloody hot? Where the shit is the rain?!
Ok shutit.
I can write a book if I'm that mad.
Ok I need ice. And I think I'm better now.

Sentosa outing with T17 yesterday~ Funn, though roasted.
Hohohoho. I'm smarter now, though.
I've slathered on layers and layers on sunblock and I'd freaking worn a tee instead of a tanktop.
Wee~ I'm less burnt than in the June ECP outing. XD
Piccies soon~
Luvya kids!


All these time you were pretending,
So much for my happy ending.

- Avril Lavinge (My Happy Ending)


Well, I know better than anyone else
That a happy ending never suits me

-Ayumi Hamasaki (Happy Ending)

Happy Ending is this other thing they trick little kids with. Screw them.
new past