Thursday, July 15, 2010, ϟ 0 shout(s)

Yawning is associated with tiredness, stress, overwork, lack of stimulation, and boredom. Yawning can also be a powerful non-verbal message with several possible meanings, depending on the circumstances. In humans, yawning has an infectious quality (i.e., seeing a person yawning, talking to someone on the phone who is yawning, or just thinking of yawning can trigger yawning) which is a typical example of positive feedback. Infectious yawning has also been noted in chimpanzees.

Observing another person's yawning face (especially his/her eyes), even reading, or thinking about yawning, or looking at a yawning picture can cause a person to yawn

I've been yawning muchmuch.
And I'm still amazed as to how the hell is yawning infectious. Haha.
Sometimes, you dive too deeply into false (maybe true) perceptions.
The walls seem to close in on you, and try as you might, you can't stop them.
You cringe, you think, you worry.
You manifested these into much greater resultant effects, and the cycle prolongs for as long as you live in it.
But life is just a yesno questionaire; a very small, fragile step from the end.
A person given a second chance at life much thanks to a timely CPR rescue - how will he live it now?
Had the rescuer failed in that mere 2 mins, it's all over for him.
Simple is in the midst of life's complexities.
Compare and you'll see. I'm not being optimistic, but nothing is as fearful as the end, and no amount of tears should be poured on something insignificant and worthless.
So why am I still living in remorse, worry and being affected for a prolonged period?
Why not live life as it is? Embrace the happiness.
Dammit. It's not supposed to be so emo. Ahh crap. I should be studying. Prolly the econs hw now.
Pretty satisfied with the MYE results. :)
Alrightty, off to do some constructive work. Hehe.
Bye kids, enjoy life!
some moments are so genuine they're meant to be kept. :)

new past