If we're all dogs,
Monday, February 21, 2011, ϟ 0 shout(s)

Things to learn from dogs by Fran Gratton

Forgive others quickly, grudges are a waste of time
When you forget to feed your dog he often forgets and forgives.
When you punish him a little harshly he still comes to you to get petted.
Your dog is the last one to blame you and hold a grudge.
Dogs know that a simple touch from someone you love can make a situation better.
Hug your family and friends.
Don't let minor problems become big ones.
Nourish your relationships with family members and forgive the fact that they nor you are perfect Pet them too.

Always get your beauty rest
Dogs know all about beauty sleep since they do it so often.
Dogs can sleep up to 20 hours a day.
We need to sleep at least 7-10 hours for most of us.
Your dog may sleep in short naps.
Short naps during the day can be refreshing.

You are never to old for a little fun in your life
A dog wants you to throw the Frisbees even when he is 16 years old ( 112 in human years).
Often humans schedules leave little time for play so they can easily forget how much fun it was to throw the Frisbee.
When you play with your dog he bonds with you.
You bond with family when you play and have fun with them.

The best toys for dogs are the free ones
Your dog spends more time playing with the empty toilet paper roll then he does the $5 squeaky toy you bought last week because you thought he would love it.
Dogs can spend a lot of time chasing their tails so why do they need toys? (only kidding)
Now you know why your kids beat on the pots and pans and play with empty boxes rather than the $15 drum player you purchased at the mall.

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