Thursday, August 27, 2009, ϟ 0 shout(s)


I'm actually quite serious over the holidaying in Japan for two months.
Gimme three thousand bucks and pause the time for two months in Singapore, I'll be well on my way there.
You know its impossible. XD

Hahaha. Just like RaineAng two years back, simply mentioning FreddieFish makes MelisssaHo so excited. Why are all my pals major FreddieFish?! XD
I still remember promising RaineAng FreddieFish games for her Bdae, and ended up searching all over to no avail. XD

It's okay sometimes to think
we were born to be happy.
If you listen carefully you can hear it,
the shout-like prayer hidden inside.

- Ayumi (Immature)
new past