Life after rag.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011, ϟ 0 shout(s)

My life is currently hectic and awesome.
Still having the withdrawal symtoms of post BizRag because we suffered so much for the shield (and got it back! ^^) and forged many many close ties. Woohoo 63 BRaggers + Zan and Const let's rock on in our post-rag party!

Dearest boyfriend is stuck in a 10 day field camp called Operation Centipede or something and this is another reason why I hate centipedes. (First being they have too many legs.)

He's finally coming out on the day he turns 19 which is also the day of bizrag post party. This sucks. :(

And me has gotten this awesome MacBookPro which is so awesome I can't describe it more that it's awesome!

Everyone's muggarholic now so it doesn't seem very wise to juggle too many CCAs if I don't want a too-low cap. Ahhh and BizLaw is driving me nuts. :( Biology is an awesome breadth though! I think I'm going to re-learn cells and their cell membranes and final exam is an awesome MCQ.

Just one bummer of school. Transportation sucks big time during peak hours. I take one million years to get to classes and so far, I've never been on time for any. :(

New goal: Identify good, new route to get to school during peak hours. Ie hitch a ride, cab, get a car.

But as I'm not filthy rich, the abovementioned are not feasible at all. Guess I just need to do it the old school way - get out of house super earlylee.

Okay don't know what I'm blabbering now. Goodnight!

new past