Friday, March 26, 2010, ϟ 0 shout(s)


Look at the huge time gap from the last post and you'll know that life was busy this week.
School, what else to expect?
Oh, and CT results. Dropped from the Promos results last year, so I'm more or less pissed with myself. XD
C for GP.

Sigh, hectic months ahead...
but nothing we can't handle. :)

Adopt a wish, please?

And hey, guess what?
I learnt about Aurora Borealis in recent Physics lectures!
But I forgot almost everthing else that was taught.

I'm starting to love Friday CIPs for a totally wrong reason.
LT5 is a freezer.
And yeah, I might just not be required to run anymore forever.
Life is backkkkk! =)

Someone may look ordinary
But the next day they could be Cinderella
That’s this life’s melody
With just a little magic I’m gonna shine

- BumpBump
new past