There's this story
Tuesday, November 29, 2011, ϟ 0 shout(s)

of this classmate of mine when I was in J1.

So this classmate happened to be in my PW group too.

During sometime near august, I happened to mention to him I'll be going to Malaysia so I can't meet for PW on this certain day.

So he said I'd better buy some birthday present for him from Malaysia.

Apparently his birthday was around the corner.

So I went and came back and forgot about the present.

And was so damn guilty cause he kept asking "where's my present?"

So I thought... wait till he forget about this. Then I can escape this horrible situation and as soon as PW is over, I don't have anything to do with him and his birthday presents anymore.

And so he forgot about it...

That's great news but as things goes, this boy became my boyfriend.

So this means I'll have no escape for the many birthdays to come.

And as it seems, he forgot about this incident too.

HAHA so when you're reading this, I'll tell you I'll be getting your christmas present this time I go malaysia. ;D *saved*

new past